Guide rapporteur (En)
To create an account or to log. Guide login
When you login, if you are a reporter, then a green buton « report a dossier » will be display on welcome page (and also in the menu)
This button will open a page where all dossier will be display filtered by you reporter role. You could then easily access the dossier content in read only mode.
You also have two new under menu links allowing you to propose experts and follow dossier expertize on dossier you report.
The screen to propose expert have four parts :
A filter allowing you to find easily dossier you report. Warning, only dossier with status deposited phase 2 or recevable phase 2 can be display here.
A data table listing dossier according to filter. A checkbox is available in front of every dossier. You will have to check the corresponding one to propose an expert.
A form containing expert’s informations and expertise grid you want to associate to the dossier.
Finally a recapitulative table allowing you to validate what you propose before send it definitively.
When proposing expert, a verification check the the proposed expert has no role on related dossier.Proposal will then be validated by ATIH team, and experts will receive an invitation by mail to expertize the dossier.
On this screen the list of expertise associated to dossier you report is shown. Each line has information on expertise, plus a button to access it directly.
A filter allow you to find easily the expertise you are looking for.