Guide expert(En)
To create an account or to log in. Guide login
When you log in, if you have an expert role on a proposal (dossier), an orange button « Assess a
dossier » will be visible on welcome page (and also in the menu).
This button will lead you to a new page, which will list your ‘dossier(s)’ according to your expert role.
You can then easily access into the content (read only mode).
When you arrive on the dossier list you are expert of (which mean you have accepted an invitation to expertize this dossier), the Expertise status column give you information about the status of the expertise and allow you to refuse it in case of conflict of interests.
You can access the full proposal (to download a zip folder) by selecting the eye blue button at the
end of the line (action column).
The expertise information will be display after read and accept the NDA (charter of the reviewers).
To accept the NDA, check the box saying you agree with terms of the charter and then click on the
button Accept at the bottom of this web page.
Zip button for directly download the full proposal is into the management tab just after
accepting the NDA.
An second tab named “Expertise grid" will be also available. If this tab is not display, it is possible that
the expertise's grid is not yet open. If this tab is not display, it is possible that the expertise's grid is not
yet open. You have to accept the charter in order to fill the expertise.
When you firstly arrive on this tab, the expertise grid is available to be filled (Likert scale, comments,…):
The expert grid can have several tabs. Normally switching from one to the other or going back on the
previous one should not result in loss of answers. However, we urge you to regularly ‘save’ your data
in case of disconnection or loss of network.
At any time, you can save your answer by selecting « Enregistrer /Save ».
At the first, during, prior and after final submitting, you can also download a PDF
version of the expertise grid by selecting « Télécharger PDF /Download PDF».
Finally, when you have fill everything, you can submit your review by selecting
« Déposer expertise /submit expertise».
This action is not reversible and you will not be able to modify any answer.